Saturday, December 27, 2008
Time flies by!
Just getting to these boxes and find that i never posted new kits. Things are starting to settle down some. I am hoping to post some new scrap kits for you to view and purchase.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Art Event

You will not want to miss the event!
Oct. 25. Sat .
1- 5:00 p.m.
Cost $25.00 payment is due by Oct. 17Th.
Prepayment allows me time to get your kits complete.
This is around the 51st area.
I will be hosting an event for your Christmas ideas and art fun, drawings and products
This time will be spent creating a tag book, charm necklace, glass slide charm, wall hanger, tags, cards, and 2 great books one with pockets! Quite a bit in that short of time but the hardest will be done first!
This time will be spent creating a tag book, charm necklace, glass slide charm, wall hanger, tags, cards, and 2 great books one with pockets! Quite a bit in that short of time but the hardest will be done first!
You will receive instructions and details on how to complete to your desires as well.
As well as learn some great techniques with alcohol inks, distress pads and more.
As well as learn some great techniques with alcohol inks, distress pads and more.
Mail payment with name of you and your guests to
5103 s Sheridan RD #660
Tulsa OK 74145
You will receive confirmation as soon as i receive your info.
I will send out email of your class list, and bring your basic tool kit!
Thanks for your interest, I know you won't be disappointed.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Being on the other side of the counter, a different prospective i had forgotten about. While window shopping and hitting some smaller markets, I found the coolest little phones! You know like on key chains they guy said it was a promotional thing like from the princess phones when they came out.
It is funny now when we think of it, i know my friends i travel with window shopping look at me like what the heck are you going to do with that! But little do they know my brain starts rolling more when i see such things than when i am sitting at my desk trying to come up with a creation.
I think now, they dont even question they just look for me and i have never been dissapointed with what they have found!
It is funny now when we think of it, i know my friends i travel with window shopping look at me like what the heck are you going to do with that! But little do they know my brain starts rolling more when i see such things than when i am sitting at my desk trying to come up with a creation.
I think now, they dont even question they just look for me and i have never been dissapointed with what they have found!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Almost August
Wow where does it keep going! I have creating cards from some fun pics. Love putting funny sayings to go with them. ( believe it or not it is amusing!) I am looking into furniture which is my favorite to cover.
With school around the corner, i am thinking of my creative thank you and teacher greetings to come up with for welcome gifts.
I bet they get overwhelmed with paper!
Hope everyone has had a great summer. It was nice to actualy sit back and see it happen. Even though it was extremely hot, venturing out was nice. My own terms, my own hours.
With school around the corner, i am thinking of my creative thank you and teacher greetings to come up with for welcome gifts.
I bet they get overwhelmed with paper!
Hope everyone has had a great summer. It was nice to actualy sit back and see it happen. Even though it was extremely hot, venturing out was nice. My own terms, my own hours.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Time Flies!
Where in the world did the time go! Soon kids will be back in school and fall and winter! Not that i will miss the heat.
I have had ample time to move boxes around and move them again. It has been an interesting discovery each time i open a box. Oh wow thats where i put that! fun stuff, new suff and old. Well not old but fun stuff that you don't use everyday.
Been creating card and book classes and ready to move on some time consuming things.
I hope every one keeps creating and having inspiration.
I have had ample time to move boxes around and move them again. It has been an interesting discovery each time i open a box. Oh wow thats where i put that! fun stuff, new suff and old. Well not old but fun stuff that you don't use everyday.
Been creating card and book classes and ready to move on some time consuming things.
I hope every one keeps creating and having inspiration.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Home and ready to post
I have had photos sitting to upload to blog and website. After the pc struggle and the pictures i finaly have the patience to sit down and get this done. When you can't sleep and a little stressed art is fun! and it takes your mind off of things too!
Friday, June 20, 2008
PC Life
wow how attached we get to our pc! Well mine has been down and i go and just move my mouse to look and see by chance i may be able to work with it. I tend to say oh i can look that up nope! i forget i can't. How did we get along with out it ugh????? i miss it even though i fight with it at times too!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008
tonight i am pooped - i was carefully trying to speed read to get jd to bed., so i could have a few minutes to reflect my calendar of things to do. Jd said to me just as clear as day - I am going to give Grandma stella a big hug and tell her i love her. I bout fell over and said how are you going to do that? (since she has been gone since 03) he said when i see her i will tell her i miss her. I said how are going to see her ? he said when i go to dallas to see my cousins i will tell her. I said she isnt in dallas he said she is in heaven and imiss her.... i said yes in heaven and we miss her more than you know ( she called him her little man) I said she loved you very much, but she is not in Dallas he said oh.... but her sister is? yep her sister your great aunt! hmmm what he was thinking and trying to tell me bought tears to my eyes. I dooooo miss her more than you know.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Well we finaly got everything organized wth those docs in Texas so we will be going for sure the 25th of june to see if pass all of their testing. Keep our fingers crossed thats where we really want to make it happen! Plus i have family there! double bonus!
So this means i will need to prepare a suitcase of crafting!
So this means i will need to prepare a suitcase of crafting!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
May is down time.
well not for everyone - lots of events go on in May - retailers seem to slow down cause everyone is busy with grads, weddings, and proms and such. Gives us time to reflect on changes and getting things done, I for one has cleared out several boxes and have lot more boxes to go. been tossing things, separating and deciding what i can or will do with such found objects.
Quiet time
Well found objects can destruct you!!! Well i found many things in these boxes that were a get to projects and dreams. I found a block of time cards! i cant stop making cards with them. Now i want to make a book with them. Now to figure how to bind them. Well you can see some cards on under anonymous images. I think the Nick bantock - or distress pads would be cool on them.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Wind, Rain, Heat and cold
well it is no wonder everyone has sinus issues! Once a year is ok with me but this one has last forever! meanwhile while staying up i have been creating cards from some fun clip art which i have posted on the site under anonymous images. I am at least using up my scraps of paper those lovely scraps that are piling up.
I finaly made a decision to make an altered small book for the principal that is leaving our sons school. and some fun stuff for the teachers. It is getting down to the wire on the decision but i finaly made one! so i got to get to it! now! plus i hear it is going to be windy today and tommorrow ugh! not looking forward to that but at least it is not too hot or too cold but just right.!
I finaly made a decision to make an altered small book for the principal that is leaving our sons school. and some fun stuff for the teachers. It is getting down to the wire on the decision but i finaly made one! so i got to get to it! now! plus i hear it is going to be windy today and tommorrow ugh! not looking forward to that but at least it is not too hot or too cold but just right.!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
On the otherside of a store you look at things different as i was waiting on customers i found looking across at other items and thinking wow i just had a thought of what i can do with that. It was funny, if i could have found a worktable within a few inches i probably would have said excuse me i need to complete this. So as i waited i had to grab a pen and jot down a few ideas and thoughts.
People laughed at the sayings i had on my cards and i thought they were cheery and funny too! You know you can now just put your own word on cards and it is ok! I saw some real old photos and they were funny just to look at i could automaticaly think of things i would say to the photos. probably 20 years from now a generation will look at our photos and put captions to them too!
I will have to post some cards soon, unfortunately my camera does need some downloading to clean up photos before i can take more.
People laughed at the sayings i had on my cards and i thought they were cheery and funny too! You know you can now just put your own word on cards and it is ok! I saw some real old photos and they were funny just to look at i could automaticaly think of things i would say to the photos. probably 20 years from now a generation will look at our photos and put captions to them too!
I will have to post some cards soon, unfortunately my camera does need some downloading to clean up photos before i can take more.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Flea markets
wow I really missed going to flea markets, seeing all the people and looking at everyones favorite things. Have you noticed how much glass slides are in, fun to make and create. But you cant wear them all! I am lucky to change earings! yikes. well i am down with sinus stuff, those windy days we had took its toll, blowing all the stuff around and apparently attached to me! Tonight is somewhat better, and ready to refocus on working up some cards. Got some cool ATC stuff but thinking of using them in an altered book instead. Going to get some zzzz's and dream about it.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Huh? well now that i have the time, I can't seem to sleep. I don't actualy go into deep sleep. I turn and think then i turn and wonder. Maybe my internal clock is confused as to what time it is. I do like to wander at night when it is quiet and no questions being asked - the sound of humming from the pc. I actually get some things accomplished but then realize i need to try and get some sleep so i can function in the day. Oh and today would have been perfect it was raining and cool, nothing better than sleeping but i was reading afew pages and realized i still wasnt asleep. I maybe getting less now than when i worked 80 hours a week! I need to ponder this and figure it out. Or i guess i need to be getting alot of cards and pages done. I hope everyone else is getting some sleep and not up reading blogs! ahhaha I do that sometimes cause thats when i find time! Oh and i have to get that gallery done! hey i did get some journals done and i am ready to get some more going.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Oh Scraps!
where do we get all these scraps! Well i am going to make some cards. I have been looking and finding all these bits and pieces and now have a table full. Decided to sit down and create. Just have to get going on it and get it done. I like to put the stamp pieces then look for the scraps to put it together. I also am working on a gallery of photos so you can have some inspiration or ideas.
Monday, March 24, 2008
That Anonymous Store
Well this is the beginning, not of an end. As AJ says a wild ride i like that phrase cause it is true! I have a work area now that looks like those artful ones that is always creating, not the neat tidy ones!
My first inspiration amid all the boxes and caos is a project fufi gave me, it was hard at first to get going on it but i finaly got motivate and the inspiration came out! i put energy and feelings into it and finaly realized i was able to function with getting this done and healing some wounds.
9 years of hard work and the most important thing that we were trying to accomplish has finaly come to the deciding factor and health has priority. The store kept us together and able to manage the miracles of D-Delay /autism and Disasterous diabetes. Luckily my health so far has prevailed my two men in my family!
My first inspiration amid all the boxes and caos is a project fufi gave me, it was hard at first to get going on it but i finaly got motivate and the inspiration came out! i put energy and feelings into it and finaly realized i was able to function with getting this done and healing some wounds.
9 years of hard work and the most important thing that we were trying to accomplish has finaly come to the deciding factor and health has priority. The store kept us together and able to manage the miracles of D-Delay /autism and Disasterous diabetes. Luckily my health so far has prevailed my two men in my family!
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