Thursday, May 26, 2011


The appointments are still strong and full on our calendar. Trips to DTI are challenging but are getting easier with GPS on a phone. Who would have thought? Bless them!
I feel like i am almost a native of Dallas getting to where i know west, east and locations. Oh i know where that is ? or close to?

But, still not home.

Anxious to get to art work which my living area is covered in, lol at least now it is contained to an area and i can find things. (Believe it or not!)

We have had lots of major neglect to our home since being in business for 11 years and open 7 days a week. We let the yard, house and such go. The yard is now have some plants that are thriving, grass growing and of course weeds : ( 

Guttering had to be replaced i don't think it liked hanging half way up with no purpose. Garage cleaned out and trash service is not liking me one bit.

I didn't realize how high a house is until you paint trim after two ruined shirts and one pair of pants is is all coming together and getting excited about some more space in garage and yard.

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